3153652073_58f713e5d8_o Courtesy: flickr
21 January 2016

Financial hedge for India’s oil risk

India could save $80 billion annually if oil prices stay at the current 12-year low. Policy-makers must use this opportunity to lock-in energy prices for the long-term. Financial markets, through futures and options, offer a way to make these savings permanent, and the Ministry of Finance must formulate ground rules for hedging.

OIl Tech Flickr Courtesy: epSos.de / Flickr
29 October 2015

How technology can cap oil prices

Developments in electric vehicles, battery technology, and renewable energy can make oil, coal, nuclear power interchangeable, if the appropriate technology is developed and marketed well.  And since the benefits include a permanent cap on energy prices, India must promote  its own industries in these areas and not remain a passive beneficiary.