Oil not a worry in 2024
A well-supplied oil market, along with new investments in oil exploration and production means that pending a major disaster, India will not have to worry about oil prices in the coming year.
A well-supplied oil market, along with new investments in oil exploration and production means that pending a major disaster, India will not have to worry about oil prices in the coming year.
The rise in Saudi Aramco’s stock price within two days of its IPO in November 2019, has taken the company’s market value past the $2-trillion mark. This valuation should not be taken at face value for the offering is miniscule, and closely linked to the ruler's prestige rather than stock market fundamentals
By keeping production high and oil prices low, OPEC is taking on oil and gas companies by undercutting their ability to investments in future oil & gas production
Last week, petroleum prices reached a five-year low, and the fall is likely to last as new production and alternative sources enter the market. India, which has a huge petroleum products bill, now has a chance to shock-proof its economy, diversify dependence away from West Asia, and become energy-efficient
The allegations against several oil companies and price reporting agencies like Platts have raised concerns about the credibility of the global oil benchmarking architecture. While there is a need for corrections to the existing structure, the time is right for BRICS to develop alternate options
In recent years, U.S. oil and gas imports have declined due to the development of shale resources in the country. How will the production of shale oil, increase in oil production by non-OPEC countries, supply disruptions in West Asia and economic growth in India and China impact global crude oil prices?
In 'Latin America Update' Gateway House lists some of the important events in Latin America over the past month
What are the implications of the political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa on the global oil market?