Modi trump - Newsweek Courtesy: Newsweek
30 January 2025

What Trump 2.0 means for India

U.S. President Donald Trump is back for a second term, and India and the U.S. together have much to gain from it. The bilateral has grown tremendously over the decades, with technology, scientific and trade ties deepening and expanding. Also, both countries have a common interest in addressing the ascent and bullying tactics of China.

shutterstock_1655303551 Courtesy: Shutterstock
5 March 2020

Hype & substance in Trump’s visit

President Trump enjoyed every moment of the hype that attended his February 2020 visit to India, says Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director and Co-founder of Gateway House, in this podcast, even as the focus was on concrete outcomes, such as defence purchases and oil procurement deals. She discusses the geopolitical implications of a closer India-U.S. strategic relationship and the weaknesses of the U.S.-Taliban peace deal