534795_0_68_720_473_1920x0_80_0_0_27a8f74ace78cb73d7b0ab2075f99b85 Courtesy: Sputnik India
30 May 2024

Trouble in Pakistan’s periphery

Pakistan’s peripheral regions have long been treated as colonies to benefit the Punjabi core. This neglect is facing a vigorous pushback, in the form of peaceful protests and violent resistance. The economic crisis has exacerbated tensions in Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan, which remain poor despite abundant natural resources.

Favela @Doug88888 flickr Courtesy: @Doug88888
10 October 2013

Brazil: In the yellow zone

Gateway House’s Akshay Mathur recently visited Brazil to attend a BRICS-themed conference, organised by the National Association of Research and Graduate Programs in the Social Sciences. In this blog, he writes about his first impressions of the country and the similarities between India and Brazil that he observed.

protest pic rajni's artcile by mission against corruption Courtesy: MissionAgainstCorruption/WikimediaCommons
14 September 2011

India’s democracy: Evolution, not Revolution

While India's anti-corruption upsurge lends further intensity to a global restlessness about the future of democracy, it also raises a significant question: What are the values that will foster a truly democratic culture? The answer will determine whether the on-going agitation will succeed in combating corruption

dna logo Courtesy: DNA Newspaper/WikimediaCommons
30 August 2011

Management lessons from Anna’s movement

DNA - Daily news and analysis, republished in their analysis section, a piece by Gateway House’s Geoeconomics Fellow Akshay Mathur, who writes on the highly efficient management model behind the anti-corruption movement in India.

india against corruption2 Courtesy: Nirzardp/WikimediaCommons
26 August 2011

Anna Hazare’s movement: A case study in management

There is an underlying reason as to why India's anti-corruption movement has garnered immense support in such a short span of time: it is a highly-efficient management model. The right mix of marketing, motivation, operations and service is spearheading the process.

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1 May 2011

Getting the military out of Pakistani politics

Pakistan is unlikely to collapse anytime soon, but the imbalance of power between its civilian and military branches needs to be addressed if it is to become an effective modern state. Washington must stop coddling Pakistan’s military and instead work patiently to support the country’s civilian authorities.