bse Courtesy: Niyantha/flickr
14 June 2013

Countering transfer pricing

Keeping subsidiaries of multinational corporations publicly-listed in India exposes minority shareholders to the risk of unfair treatment by favouring the majority shareholders. In some cases, it leads to transfer pricing transactions that hurt the country’s revenue. Delisting MNCs is one way to address this problem

saran1 - Copy Courtesy: Gateway House
7 August 2012

The health of India’s financial sector

Is India's growing external debt a cause for concern? Are India's public sector banks too big to fail? Gateway House interviews former Whole Time Member of SEBI, Prashant Saran, to discuss the health of India's financial sector.

business-insider Courtesy: Business Insider
1 June 2012

The BRIC currency swap is a global game changer

Business Insider, a business news and analysis website, republished Gateway House researcher Samir N. Kapadia's article. He writes that banks around the globe would be wise to take a second look at what now could be the most significant agreement in international finance since the Euro: the BRICS currency swap.

policymic Courtesy: PolicyMic
1 June 2012

Are BRICS Countries Moving Away From the U.S. Dollar?

Policymic, a news website, republished Gateway House researcher Samir N. Kapadia's article. He writes that banks around the globe would be wise to take a second look at what now could be the most significant agreement in international finance since the Euro: the BRICS currency swap.

India, Financial regulatory exporter Courtesy: Niyantha/Flickr
6 October 2011

India: Financial Regulatory Exporter

With increasing debt and recession in the West, it seems no longer fitting for the rest of the world to follow traditional Western financial models. India’s long experience of capital markets, with its conservative and ‘inclusive’ financial regulatory system, on the other hand, makes for a compelling case study.