Reserve Bank India Courtesy: Shapoorji Pallonji
2 May 2024

A central bank for India in Bombay

The Reserve Bank of India entered its 90th year on 1 April. From the 1940s to 1960s it was critical in protecting India’s interests at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, and conserving India’s Forex by managing a Rupee trade with the East Bloc. Today, it is among Mumbai’s several historic financial institutions and has navigated India’s economy through turbulent geopolitical and geoeconomic events.

raghuram rajan_right Courtesy: Dhiraj Singh/getty
6 May 2014

Decoding RBI’s policy on foreign debt

The RBI’s two-pronged strategy to protect the economy from tapering-led volatility discourages unproductive external borrowings and prods foreign portfolio debt investors to think long-term. There's another vexed issue: the IMF has sounded a cautionary note on the rising number of foreign currency debt laden Indian firms

Federal_Reserve_Board_Building Courtesy: Agnostic Preachers Kid/Wikimedia Commons
13 March 2014

Multi-polar world, unilateral Fed

To navigate the U.S. away from the huge monetary stimulus, the Federal Reserve has initiated tapering. But in an integrating world, the emerging economies, especially India, China and Brazil, will see collateral liquidity damage. How will the Fed enforce its mandate? How will central banks in emerging markets react?

rbi Courtesy: Government of India
27 December 2013

Curbing India’s dependence on FII flows

The extent of the rupee’s depreciation in 2013 demonstrates the Indian market’s dependence on overseas portfolio investments. Can developing domestic institutional bulwarks allay anxieties during similar crises? Is tapping into India’s deep pool of domestic savings, by modifying archaic regulations, an option?

subbarao IMF FLICKR Courtesy: IMF/Flickr
6 September 2013

RBI chief Subbarao signs off

The outgoing Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, D. Subbarao, delivered his last speech – the Nani Palkhiwala memorial lecture – as the head of the country’s central bank on August 29. Aditya Phatak blogs about how he combined tough talk and confession with balance and political sagacity