APTOPIX Russia Ukraine War Courtesy: AP
13 March 2025

Riyadh and the new halls of mediation

Saudi Arabia has been the new centre for mediation between warring states and their sponsors. It reflects the shifting dynamics in an increasingly multipolar world and the redefinition of power structures. This role has extended to other Gulf states, which have strategically positioned themselves as neutral players, leveraging their strong relations with the great powers, and adopted culturally sensitive to consensus-building.

trump Courtesy: Indian Express
16 January 2025

Détente for hegemony

On January 20, when the U.S. gets a new president, he will face a world of changed alliances. China at the high table and newly aligned with Russia, which is separated from its European cousins, two wars and a G2-leaning global economy. Will Donald Trump revert to the days of ‘détente’ or continue the ‘neocon’ policies in vogue, to maintain U.S. hegemony?

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23 May 2024

Xi’s diplomatic push in Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping's three-nation tour to France, Serbia and Hungary in early May highlighted China's aim to bolster ties and navigate shifting global power dynamics. The trip's implications are significant for all major powers, including India, which must inject more creativity and energy in building up its strategic partnerships with G7 nations after the elections.

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17 July 2023

Central Asia, the new corridor

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to the resurgence of interest in Central Asian as an alternate trade corridor between Europe and Asia. Timely investment in connectivity projects like the Middle Corridor and the INSTC by regional stakeholders, as well as by the EU, China and India, must now build on this interest to create new regional, international, and cross-continental transport corridors.

ZelenskyRamaphosa-GettyImages-1258743603 Courtesy: Foreign Policy
21 June 2023

Africa seeks peace dividend

Last week, an African peace delegation travelled to Kyiv and Moscow, presenting them with a 10-point plan for peace. While the plan received mixed reactions, the African initiative was a courageous step towards peace. The effort coincides with India proposing the AU join the G20, and South Africa’s entry into the troika of G20 presidencies next year.

1D8120D2-1A4E-4358-BD1F-E8EFB4D9F40C Courtesy: Twitter- Narendra Modi
23 May 2022

The credibility challenge for Quad

A serious stocktaking is expected at the Quad Leaders' Summit in Tokyo, to measure the progress of its wide-ranging list and proposals. In addition to vaccine partnerships, climate change, and connectivity, the Quad must now craft a common strategy for and expedite cooperation in, the economy, higher education, industry, and technology. It will also project unity in the Indo-Pacific region.

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7 April 2022

Ukrainian refugees: EU rhetoric or paradigm shift

The unprecedented consensus within the EU in accepting Ukrainian refugees presents it as a global humanitarian power. But is this truly a ‘paradigm shift’ or is it a continuation of the West European Cold War strategy, based on a moral high ground narrative, of accepting people who had fled the ‘evil and undemocratic’ Soviet-bloc countries during and after World War II?