India-Latin America Engagements, January 2014
In 'India-Latin America Engagements', the Latin America Desk at Gateway House presents a selection of news of India’s engagement with the region during the previous month
In 'India-Latin America Engagements', the Latin America Desk at Gateway House presents a selection of news of India’s engagement with the region during the previous month
Though Brazil is a vibrant democracy, grievances over inadequate provision of public services and government overspending will not be resolved quickly due to the political disconnect with the needs of the people. Fernando Veloso blogs about the possible determinants and consequences of the protests
Brasilia seems to have responded fairly to the mass protests in the country. However, the issue of corruption is the most resonant of the protester’s grievances and must be addressed. Real political and economic reforms also need to be put in place, especially in the areas of education and health.