16CHINATRUMP-facebookJumbo Courtesy: New York Times
13 July 2017

2016, the hinge year

Three epoch-making events in 2016 are continuing to have global repercussions. They were: Brexit, China’s rubbishing of the July verdict of the Permanent Court of Arbitration after it rejected its claims on disputed islands in the South China Sea, and Trump’s election. This article, the prologue to a book-in-progress, The Hinge Year – Geopolitical Dislocations and Dispersals, outlines how these events intersect with transformed geoeconomic realities

484379-donald-trump-rnc-pti-3-resized Courtesy: PTI
25 July 2016

Is it Trump’s Party now?

The victory of Donald Trump in becoming the presidential nominee for the Republican Party is a significant moment in American history. However, the cause for common unity in the GOP is associated with a hatred towards Hillary Clinton, not support for Donald Trump. Controversies like the recent WikiLeaks of Democrat Party emails are sure to increase in the road to November, making it a rocky and treacherous one.