trump Courtesy: Indian Express
16 January 2025

Détente for hegemony

On January 20, when the U.S. gets a new president, he will face a world of changed alliances. China at the high table and newly aligned with Russia, which is separated from its European cousins, two wars and a G2-leaning global economy. Will Donald Trump revert to the days of ‘détente’ or continue the ‘neocon’ policies in vogue, to maintain U.S. hegemony?

National Security Advisors' Meeting Courtesy: Observer Research Foundation
24 August 2023

Jeddah is the ‘new’ Vienna

In West Asia, nations such as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries are starting to understand their pivotal geopolitical positioning in world affairs – and are making calibrated and strategic moves to preserve or recover global stability. It’s welcome at a time when more than two dozen conflicts are ongoing, when geopolitical rivals have hardened their positions, and diplomacy has failed to de-escalate in the primary contests.

Rwanda_refugees_pic._1 Courtesy: TIME Magazine
13 June 2022

The trouble with Europe outsourcing asylum

The attempts of responsibility-transfer of asylum-processing and refugee-protection by the UK and Denmark to Rwanda, reflect a fundamental shift from the conventional principle of territorial asylum and set an undesirable precedent. Deporting the vulnerable to countries with perpetual internal socio-political and economic issues and inadequate asylum infrastructure, will gravely compromise their safety, welfare, human rights and benefit claims as refugees.

187164 Courtesy: The Guardian
7 April 2022

Ukrainian refugees: EU rhetoric or paradigm shift

The unprecedented consensus within the EU in accepting Ukrainian refugees presents it as a global humanitarian power. But is this truly a ‘paradigm shift’ or is it a continuation of the West European Cold War strategy, based on a moral high ground narrative, of accepting people who had fled the ‘evil and undemocratic’ Soviet-bloc countries during and after World War II?