trump Courtesy: Indian Express
16 January 2025

Détente for hegemony

On January 20, when the U.S. gets a new president, he will face a world of changed alliances. China at the high table and newly aligned with Russia, which is separated from its European cousins, two wars and a G2-leaning global economy. Will Donald Trump revert to the days of ‘détente’ or continue the ‘neocon’ policies in vogue, to maintain U.S. hegemony?

xi putin bbc Courtesy: BBC
17 February 2022

Signalling at the Beijing Olympics

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics came to a close on 20 February. It was marked by Covid restrictions, athlete dramas, and a united diplomatic boycott by Western democracies citing human rights concerns in Xinjiang, a boycott India later joined for Galwan-related issues. In contrast with the unity presented by China and Russia with summit meetings in the lead up to the Olympics, shifting alliances are now the norm.

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3 May 2018

Indian defence: collateral damage of Russia sanctions

American sanctions on Russian defence companies may end up hurting an innocent bystander: India's defence sector. In particular, they could threaten Indian military procurement, and also may complicate India’s attempts to produce more of its own defence hardware. India needs to study the issue closely to prepare for what may come

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14 February 2017

Indo-Pacific: a scenario of possibilities

The Indo-Pacific region is home to some of the largest and most rapidly growing economies as also powerful military forces. Nuclear threats, international terrorism and climate change are some of the issues that define the region. Uncertainty dogs relations among the four nations in the top league—U.S., China, India and Japan—but what is emerging is a hawkish, policy stance from the U.S. as opposed to an isolationist outlook apprehended earlier