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14 May 2015, Boom

The China Visit: Can Soft Power Solve Hard Problems?

Sameer Patil, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House, has been quoted in an article which talks about PM Modi's visit to China and the areas of contention and debate. This article has been published by Boom

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Capping off a series of foreign visits at the end his first year in power, PM Modi will arrive in China for what is considered the biggest test for the BJP-led government’s foreign policy.

In the past year, India’s foreign policy has been re-invigorated with greater attention being paid to immediate neighbours. Now it is China’s turn.

China and India share a 4057 km land boundary and are the two largest economies in Asia, accounting for almost 40% of the world’s population. Though relations between the two neighbours have been marked by periodic flash points, including war, ties have remained stunted. Over the last decade Sino-Indian bilateral relations have been focused on maintaining the status quo and improving trade ties. Both nations have made efforts to avoid aggravation of the unresolved border issues along India’s north-eastern sector.