India is ranked fifth in the world in terms of number of think tanks. The country has a total of 192 think tanks. USA tops the list with 1830 think tanks followed by China at 429 and UK at 287. Germany is fourth in the list with 194 think tanks.
The data was compiled by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania.
The facts were released in the Global GoTo Think Tank Index Report (GGTTI) 2014. The six Indian think tanks in the global top 150 list are the Centre for Civil Society (50th Rank) , Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses(IDSA,100), Indian Council for Research on International Economic Reforms (105th Rank) The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI, 107th Rank), Observer Research Foundation (ORF, 114th Rank) and Development Alternatives (129th Rank).