A_presidente_Dilma_Rousseff_durante_cerimônia_contra_o_impeachment_em_31_de_março_de_2016 Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 April 2016

Brazil’s hour of reckoning

The recent decision of Brazil's lower house of parliament to impeach President Rousseff has once again brought attention to the country's struggles with corruption. The crisis has already affected Brazil’s economy. Its impact on the region and on Indian businesses in the country is yet to be seen.

Latin America AAP Courtesy:
16 February 2015

Latin American lessons for AAP

The nature of the sweeping victory of AAP and Kejriwal may be unprecedented in India but not in Latin America. In Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, there are lessons for AAP and Arvind Kejriwal as they assume power in New Delhi – and also for the Congress Party as well as the BJP

edurado Courtesy:
12 November 2014

Green Party speak

The Green Party in Brazil is a small but significant presence, whose ideas of reform and conservation are gaining wider acceptance. In this interview, Eduardo Jorge, the party’s leader, discusses what BRICS represents, his views on India, and the response of governments and business to climate change

brazilelections Courtesy: Wikimedia
10 October 2014

Brazil elections: turning left or right?

Since none of the candidates won the required 50% majority in the Brazilian presidential elections held October 5, there will be a second round on October 26 between the centre-left President Dilma Rouseff and centre-right Aecio Neves. As of now, polls predict a Rouseff win - but like India, the Brazilian electorate is known for throwing up surprises

marina silva Courtesy: wikimedia commons
10 September 2014

The rise of Marina Silva

Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff's bid for re-election has been ambushed in just two weeks by activist Marina Silva who is now predicted to win the October elections. If elected, Marina is likely to continue with the pro-poor policies of the current government, and she has already shown a keen interest in foreign policy. PM Modi will find Marina more proactive and forthcoming than Rouseff

images Courtesy: fcpamericas.com
4 September 2014

Poverty and politics

The credit for significant poverty reduction achieved in the last decade in Latin America goes to the pro-poor policies of the leftist governments. The Left is expected to be voted back to power in the October elections to be held in Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia. The increase in affordability power is good news for the Indian companies who are exporting goods to the region