Hanle_by_Navaneeth_Unnikrishnan Courtesy: Navaneeth Unnikrishnan / Wikipedia
3 March 2016

Is India equipped for big science?

A tectonic shift is occurring in the science landscape, wherein newly-developed nations are audaciously investing in frontier scientific research at par with developed nations. India is game to join this new wave of advancement, but its research-funding mechanisms are deficient. Can Indian philanthropy endow indigenous R&D?

modi-620x376_0 Courtesy: PTI
25 February 2016

A budget for Modi’s economic diplomacy

Prime Minister Modi's energetic foreign policy and travel has focused on attracting foreign investments. But the task of translating commitments into investments on the ground rests with the Ministry of External Affairs. And the MEA needs greater resources to realise the benefits of Modi's deepening economic diplomacy abroad.

Trafficjamdelhi Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 January 2016

Beyond Odd-Even: a plan for Delhi

The odd-even formula has the advantage of having involved leaders as well as common citizens. The Government must now improve air quality by urgent measures across a wide front in Delhi, and then in the entire NCR.

CSR1 (1) Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 January 2016

Linking CSR with business practices

CSR in India has been detached from business practices. A more effective approach to CSR would entail efforts to integrate sustainable business with societal giving, rather than simply requiring companies to donate money and outsource all of its CSR efforts.