bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.

radu Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Social media beyond voter mobilisation

These elections may have been an inflection point, when big data hit critical mass. From now, it will be used to maximal effect to raise funds, influence people and read the national mood. Not just by political parties, but equally by pollsters and the media.

Cyber_Games Courtesy: Conew/Wikimedia Commons
13 June 2014

Policy Catalyst: India’s Privacy Law

Edward Snowden’s revelations about the U.S.’s PRISM surveillance raised many issues related to espionage, electronic surveillance and privacy. It brought home the lack of strong privacy laws in India. As the country sets up its own domestic surveillance system, it must also quickly enact statutory privacy legislation

Modi with Lat-Am delegation Courtesy:
12 May 2014

Gujarat-Latin America: friends & benefits

The burgeoning trade between the state of Gujarat and Latin America has ensured that Narendra Modi’s campaign is closely followed in Latin America. The new government in India must build on this engagement, which will help address India’s energy, food and investment needs

The battle for Benaras & Bihar
8 May 2014

The battle for Benaras & Bihar

Be it Benaras which is gearing up for the most crucial battle between BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and the Aam Aadmi Party’s Arvind Kejriwal, or Bihar and U.P. where people are yearning for the ‘Gujarat model’, this election is focusing on some of the substantive issues that impact India

rajni's blog Courtesy:
28 April 2014

Elections: citizens’ initiatives

Elections in India have long inspired a wide variety of citizens’ initiatives aimed at making the electoral process more free, fair and democratic. These initiatives during the 2014 general elections are giving voters not just a chance to be better informed, but also more deeply engaged with the process

gendergap Courtesy: Narendra Modi/Wikimedia Commons
24 April 2014

The missing women of Parliament

Fewer than 10% of the candidates in the ongoing elections in India are women. A law to reserve seats for women in Parliament, which will increase this number, is in abeyance. Our next government can take lessons from Latin America, where 16 countries have successfully implemented reservations and other enabling measures

election symbols_Ballot box Courtesy: Rama/Wikimedia Commons
22 April 2014

50 elections in 2014: a year of democracy

The year 2014 will witness elections in some of the biggest countries including India, Brazil and Indonesia. Like in India, the participation of youth voters is likely to be an important determinant in the outcome of the elections. Gateway House examines the presence of issues common to India and the major countries going to the polls in early 2014