Tokat_darbe_karşıtları Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 July 2016

The beginning of the end for Erdogan

The attempted coup on July 15 in Turkey as well as its aftermath have irreparably dented President Erdogan’s international image and impacted Turkey's standing as a democratic state, a military power, a NATO member, an EU aspirant, and an emerging economy. This downtrend is unlikely to be reversed in the near future and the country is in for an extended period of instability

Aerial_View_of_Tehran_26.11.2008_04-35-03 Courtesy: Wikipedia
22 May 2016

Time for Modi to capitalise on Iran

Despite the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action having been in effect since January 2016, the promised business opportunities for Iran seem to have eluded them, as U.S. led economic sanctions still hold firm. With Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit in May, there is ample scope to redouble the India-Iran partnership for the strategic interest of both parties.

humanrightsiran Courtesy:
10 September 2015

Human rights in Iran

While the lifting of economic sanctions after Iran’s recent nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries may improve socio-economic conditions, will it also positively impact human rights in the country?

Iran Talks. Abschluss Iran Verhandlungen. UNO. Wien, 14.07.2015, Foto: Dragan Tatic Courtesy: Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs/Wikipedia
14 August 2015

Iran after the deal

A month after Iran’s milestone nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries, the fine print is being scrutinised by hardliners in Iran and the deal will eventually be prepared for implementation by President Rouhani’s government. India, poised to revitalise bilateral trade, will be among many countries that can now benefit from robust business ties with the Persian Gulf country.

AAP victory_2 Courtesy:
13 February 2015

AAP, Occupy and the Arab Spring

There is an emerging consensus among scholars and political analysts across the world that the 20th century advances in building democratic systems have run their course. It is in this context that AAP’s rapid rise to power might serve as a light-house of global significance—a beacon that guides others seeking to take democracy to a higher level and warns of treacherous rocks

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong
14 October 2014

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong

The Hong Kong student protests have brought back memories of the youth uprisings in West Asia. Gateway House debates the differences and similarities of these movements that have so dramatically changed our world – and more is yet to come. From Tahrir Square in Egypt to Hong Kong, social media has been the driver for change

IS Courtesy: U.S. Staff Sergeant Aaron Allmon
16 September 2014

Modi, Obama and the Islamic State

Obama’s strategy to target the IS in Syria within the framework of a U.S.-led international coalition has met with a tepid response. There are reports that the U.S may offer India a non-NATO ally status during Modi’s upcoming visit in a bid to seek greater support – a gesture that India will do well to disregard.