the latin road to arab democracy Courtesy: JonathanRashad/Flickr
17 June 2011

The Latin road to Arab democracy

As the Arab world remains engulfed in protests, there may be lessons to be learned from other recent democratic converts. Latin America’s growth story may provide the Arab world with some recommendations on how to address socio-economic issues in the post-revolution scenario.

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31 May 2011

The IMF: Emerging economies aren’t ready for prime time

With the post for the head of the International Monetary Fund up for grabs, the emerging market countries are yet to unite and provide a suitable candidate who receives formidable support for his or her candidature. China, however, may boldly question the status quo and step ahead.

Courtesy: Sakucae/Flickr
10 May 2011

In praise of nuclear power

In the global hunt for energy security, nuclear energy has grown increasingly relevant as countries struggle to find sustainable sources of energy. The ambitious plans to build the world’s biggest nuclear plant in Jaitapur may prove to be the litmus test that defines the role of nuclear energy in India's future.

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4 May 2011

Obama gets Osama

Osama Bin Laden’s death may not have an immediate effect on Al Qaeda’s ability to conduct operations nor may it deter the ‘democratic’ protests of the Arab Spring. Pakistan though, will now have to answer to global questioning and may reshuffle its stance with the Taliban and other terrorist groups.

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21 April 2011

How powerful are the world’s bankers?

The 2008 financial collapse has economists pondering over the stability of global economies and the ability of those with financial power to maintain their wealth. If such a situation recurs, who will be held accountable?

india kazakh Courtesy:
14 April 2011

India-Kazakhstan: Beyond energy

The India-Kazakhstan relationship is in need of a massive overhaul. Manmohan Singh’s visit to Astana is full of possibilities that can transform the relationship from a short-sighted association into a broad-based, strategic, long-term one focusing on energy, security, trade and technology.

UN Photo Marco Castro_210x140 Courtesy: UNPhoto/MarcoCastro
14 April 2011

South Africa’s human rights dilemma

As the newest entrant of the BRICS group, South Africa's unpredictability in upholding the human rights dimension of its foreign policy agenda, by its stance to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Libya, has brought about an incoherency between the BRIC countries and South Africa.