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13 March 2018

Addressing ‘the global gap’

The 44th G7 summit, held in Canada in the first week of June, ended on a tense, disunited note—not unlike the premise of Richard Haass’ 2017 book, The World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order. In this interview, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the role of international institutions, World Order 2.0 and how India can participate in it

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15 February 2018

Maldives: the Quad’s first crisis

The crisis in the Maldives is a case study of Chinese investments undermining democratic institutions in smaller countries. It poses long term threats to India’s economic and political security. And almost overnight, it has turned the Indian Ocean into the Indo-Pacific

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1 November 2017

The rise and rise of Xi Jinping

For the last fortnight, the world has been captivated by the events of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which elevated Chinese President Xi Jinping to the status accorded to Chairman Mao. Xi Jinping has consolidated his position in the CCP, strengthened his hold over the country and provided a policy road-map for the next five years. 'Xi' Jinping Thought' is now enshrined In the Chinese Constitution just as firmly as was 'Mao Zedong Thought'.

xi giving speech Courtesy: Hindustan Times
23 October 2017

Key takeaways from Xi’s work report

Amidst the grand messaging and visual splendour of the 19th Party Congress, Xi made some telling pronouncements. He sent out a stern warning to separatist elements, threatening the country’s unity, and emphasised “ecology” and “environment” over “economy” and “market”. Over and above it all, the Chinese Communist Party that he rejuvenated emerged the real ‘hero’ in the epic story

chinese congress Courtesy: South China Morning Post
17 October 2017

19th Congress is CCP dominance on display

At the Chinese Communist Party’s 19th Congress, President Xi Jinping will surely consolidate and project his power within the Chinese Communist Party. But, there are other crucial elements to be observed and studied beneath the obvious grandeur of the Congress, such as, how it has retained its longevity and tenacity, how it commands loyalty and ideological compliance, and how change gets institutionalised. This week-long event will yield important clues

image Courtesy: Stripes
12 October 2017

Xi’s PLA agenda: real reform or power gambit?

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s reforms, some of which have been effected in the run-up to the 19th Party Congress, have served to both modernise the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and also strengthen his hold on it. They may also have resulted in adversely affecting the PLA’s combat efficacy

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5 October 2017

Learnings from Chinese outbound investment

Beijing has its finger on the economic pulse of the country, demonstrating a responsiveness to criticism at home and abroad. It reveals a great deal about Chinese political priorities and societal changes, and offers a collective learning for investors and markets worldwide – and especially for India.

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6 September 2017

Innovation’s role in the Blue Economy

The new global emphasis on the Blue Economy is attracting the interest of governments, development agencies, and more recently, social impact investors. A marked change from previous years is the increased participation of developing and coastal economies, which are its very beneficiaries