Sushma on Gaza Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
30 July 2014

A confusing stand on Gaza

Historically, India has supported the Palestinian cause but today, shares strong diplomatic relations with both West Bank and Tel Aviv. India's vote at the UNHRC has provoked much debate within the country as it marks a distinct shift in the government's stand from a few weeks ago when it was reluctant to even discuss the Gaza crisis in Parliament

Modi Jokowi cross Courtesy: Gateway House
22 July 2014

A better partner: Indonesia?

The recent election in Indonesia gives India a chance to evaluate the many points of comparison between the two diverse and vibrant democracies. Both will face similar challenges, and so Indonesia may be a better parallel as well as partner than China – the usual model cited for development

egypt2 Courtesy:
3 July 2014

Where journalism is a crime

The recent sentences handed out to three Al Jazeera journalists show how far Egypt has moved away from the democratic ideals of the Tahrir Square protests. Egypt now shares space with North Korea, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea and Iran in Freedom House’s 2014 report

Ceren Courtesy: BBC
27 June 2014

El Salvador’s new president

The election of Salvador Sanchez Ceren, a leftist ex-guerilla fighter, as president of El Salvador, is a reflection of the maturity and inclusiveness of the Latin American democracies. With his compassionate and pro-poor policies, Ceren has the vision and compassion needed to reduce poverty and break the vicious cycle of crime and violence which has paralysed El Salvador

bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.

ED Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Marketplace sarvodayanomics

Sarvodaya is market economics, with a soul. There are different means towards achieving this end, but the evangelists need to come up common mantra and thwart vested interests from benefiting a few