Arab Republics Courtesy:
14 August 2014

Federalism for the Arab Republics?

Many Arab Republics are mired in political discord after the departure of the old tyrannical regimes opened up spaces for new struggles. In Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan, attempts to address the turmoil through constitutional reform are facing challenges. Will a democratic federalism be attained when the battles are done?

Sushma on Gaza Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
30 July 2014

A confusing stand on Gaza

Historically, India has supported the Palestinian cause but today, shares strong diplomatic relations with both West Bank and Tel Aviv. India's vote at the UNHRC has provoked much debate within the country as it marks a distinct shift in the government's stand from a few weeks ago when it was reluctant to even discuss the Gaza crisis in Parliament

west asia Courtesy:
27 June 2014

Will ISIS redraw the West Asia map?

The rise of the militant ISIS will alter the stability and future of all West Asian countries, and can impact India in multiple ways. India must re-evaluate its West Asia policy, and address the safety of its nationals in Iraq, the security of its oil supplies, and the fallout on South Asia of this resurgence of strife

UNSC Syria UNSC Courtesy: United Nations
4 October 2013

Decoding the UNSC Resolution on Syria

The recent UNSC Resolution, which mandates the complete destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, demonstrates that after more than a year, a degree of international agreement on the Syrian issue has been possible. In the evolving situation, Russia will now emerge as a major player

iran election 1 Courtesy: Creative Commons/Flickr
13 June 2013

Why the world should take the Iran elections seriously

The 11th presidential election of Iran is unlikely to be fully democratic or transparent, but the winner will decide the nature of Tehran’s engagement with the West over its nuclear programme. The outcome of this election will also have a bearing on the crises in Syria and Iraq, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

obama israel Courtesy: The White House
2 April 2013

Obama: Still equivocating on Palestine

During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke in favour of both the Israelis’ right to security and the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty. The issue of settlements, however, remains unresolved and it is unlikely that Israel will make concessions when its neighbours are in turmoil.

Bahrain Activist/WikimediaCommons Courtesy:
8 February 2013

India navigates the Arab Uprisings

The Arab uprisings show no sign of closure, and have become amorphous. While New Delhi has so far been immunised from the political and religious dimensions of the uprisings, the rise of political Islam, Islamic governance, and continuing instability will impact India.

Courtesy: Gigi Ibrahim/WikimediaCommons
27 November 2012

Israel-Hamas: Only an intermission

The series of Israeli offensives against Gaza, which began on November 4, ended when Egypt's new President Mohamed Morsi brokered a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli government on November 13. The possibility of this ceasefire holding up, however, seems remote.

obama second term_0 Courtesy: U.S. Navy
10 November 2012

The second term

U.S. President Barack Obama will certainly have the benefit of continuity in his second term, but he has a range of impending crises to address immediately - be it to avert the so-called fiscal cliff before the end of the year when automatic cuts kick in or plan for the military drawdown from Afghanistan.