rajya sabha tv Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
26 July 2018

Enter religious parties in Pakistan politics

Religious parties, some of them founded by anti-India terrorist groups, have dramatically risen to the fore in the Pakistan elections held this week. The 2018 polls mark a milestone as the military has enabled their entry into the political mainstream

mahathir Courtesy: Reuters
24 May 2018

Mahathir’s Malaysian manoeuvres

Malaysia is in the eye of a different power game today. Fifteen years ago when Mahathir’s last tenure as prime minister ended, the United States loomed over the Asia-Pacific and Malaysia. Today it is an unlikely leader and Mahathir inherits a China-dominated Indo-Pacific and vexed internal politics. What changes in foreign policy will this entail?

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26 April 2018

“An open economy facilitates and connects”

There is expertise available, sometimes in small countries, and is in demand worldwide. Protectionism will affect each member of the global community; it will put brakes on projections for India’s growth. The challenges it presents need to be resolved so that everybody benefits, said Gen. (Dr.) V.K. Singh

DSC_5369 Courtesy: Gateway House
19 April 2018

New India @ 2022

In his speech on, ‘New India at 2022’ – Rajiv Kumar, who has just returned from China after a meeting of the Niti Aayog with China's National Development and Reform Commission, says India is at the cusp of sustained, high, inclusive growth because of much greater formalisation of economic activity in the country today

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13 March 2018

Addressing ‘the global gap’

The 44th G7 summit, held in Canada in the first week of June, ended on a tense, disunited note—not unlike the premise of Richard Haass’ 2017 book, The World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order. In this interview, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the role of international institutions, World Order 2.0 and how India can participate in it