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9 July 2020

Pakistan: between COVID-19 and China

Pakistan is suffering from a gravely mismanaged COVID-19 crisis and is under pressure from China to fulfil its commitments to the CPEC. Using COVID-19 as a cover, Pakistan is able to continue shirking its global responsibilities especially on containing terrorism. What does this mean for India, and for Pakistan’s own future?

Image 2 - Pakistan - between Covid and China Courtesy: Gateway House
8 July 2020

Pakistan – between COVID and China

Tilak Devasher, Member, National Security Advisory Board was in conversation with Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House. The discussion centered around Pakistan's management of COVID-19 and its relations with China.

Image 2 - Decoupling from China Courtesy: Gateway House
30 June 2020

Decoupling from China

Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy & Environment, Gateway House was in conversation with Blaise Fernandes, Director, Gateway House. This discussion was moderated by Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House.

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11 June 2020

Invoking Force Majeure amidst COVID-19

Ambika Khanna, Senior Researcher, International Law Studies Programme, Gateway House, in discussion with Bharat Bhise, CEO and Founder, Bravia Capital; Greg Falkof, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland; Rutvik Patel, Head - Legal & Corporate Affairs, TBEA Energy (India) Pvt. Ltd. on invoking Force Majeure amidst COVID-19.

Webcast 3 - website Courtesy: Gateway House
30 April 2020

Gateway House Webcast: Scrutinising Chinese FDI in India

Amit Bhandari, Energy & Environment Fellow, Gateway House; Blaise Fernandes, President, Indian Music Industry Association; Ambika Khanna, Senior Researcher, International Law Programme, Gateway House discuss the reaction to China’s increased investment in HDFC, the depth and motive for China's investments in India, and the new FDI rules put in place by the government to protect strategic investments in the country.

Webcast 2 - Website Courtesy: Gateway House
28 April 2020

Gateway House Webcast: Diversifying India’s Clean Transport

In this webcast, we discuss the transport energy options for India. The government of India intends to pursue Electric Vehicles with aggression, both to help India meet its Climate Change commitments, as also to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels in the post corona era. But is it what India needs? Are the necessary raw materials for batteries accessible in both the near and short term? Can India readily abandon oil, now cheap and from a region which gives jobs to our expatriate population?

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5 April 2020

Is rare earth still China’s dominant lever?

The second-most important issue on everyone's mind after the Coronavirus, is Rare Earths - those metallic elements like scandium and cerium, used in every aspect of modern electronics like our cell phones, rechargeable batteries, florescent lighting. The reason is: China. China has the world's largest deposits and production of rare earths, and has not hesitated to withhold its export to countries that disagree with it in the past. 

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11 March 2020

The Sanders-Biden contest

As part of our weekly series of podcasts in the run-up to the U.S. elections, in this episode on the first month of the Democratic Party’s primaries, Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director and Co-founder of Gateway House, on Biden’s candidature, how the U.S. appears still unready for a woman president and why the Indian American community, which has traditionally voted Democrat, may be ambivalent this time