food-sedurity Courtesy: Rigues/Flickr
25 July 2014

Food security, WTO and India

Recent developments at the WTO's two-day General Council Meeting that started on July 24 suggest that India will agree to sign the trade facilitation agreement only if the deal comes bundled with a permanent solution that will allow unhindered roll-out of welfare schemes such as the food security programme.

Modi Jokowi cross Courtesy: Gateway House
22 July 2014

A better partner: Indonesia?

The recent election in Indonesia gives India a chance to evaluate the many points of comparison between the two diverse and vibrant democracies. Both will face similar challenges, and so Indonesia may be a better parallel as well as partner than China – the usual model cited for development

bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.

Kudankulam-protest-pti2 Courtesy: Wikimedia\Commons
17 June 2014

Economic security and globalised protest

The allegations that certain foreign-funded NGOs are hurting national economic security are not new. However, the Intelligence Bureau’s claim that they have held back India’s GNP growth has been challenged. There is now a need for economic security to be defined holistically through open and democratic discourse

radu Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Social media beyond voter mobilisation

These elections may have been an inflection point, when big data hit critical mass. From now, it will be used to maximal effect to raise funds, influence people and read the national mood. Not just by political parties, but equally by pollsters and the media.

ED Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Marketplace sarvodayanomics

Sarvodaya is market economics, with a soul. There are different means towards achieving this end, but the evangelists need to come up common mantra and thwart vested interests from benefiting a few

Cyber_Games Courtesy: Conew/Wikimedia Commons
13 June 2014

Policy Catalyst: India’s Privacy Law

Edward Snowden’s revelations about the U.S.’s PRISM surveillance raised many issues related to espionage, electronic surveillance and privacy. It brought home the lack of strong privacy laws in India. As the country sets up its own domestic surveillance system, it must also quickly enact statutory privacy legislation