Nirmala Sitharaman with joint IPJF Courtesy: IANS/PIB
27 August 2014

India’s move towards economic diplomacy

For long the Indian administration has separated the domains of strategic diplomacy and trade facilitation. However, the new government is actively working to bring the two under one umbrella knowing well that ‘economic diplomacy’ is crucial to regaining India’s growth story

buddhist-monk-myanmar_Virathu Courtesy: paula bronstein/getty images/file
26 August 2014

Buddhist-Muslim violence in Myanmar

An alarming pattern of complicity of the government officials in the anti-Muslim violence in Myanmar are emerging. This trend is detrimental for emerging democracy and gives rise to the question that these cases are a diversionary tactic to draw the attention away from the real issue of stalling democratic reforms

getting india bot Courtesy: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
21 August 2014

An action agenda for reform

'Getting India back on track: An Action Agenda for Reform' prescribes the revival of India’s economic growth as the number one priority for the new government

US2 Courtesy: Owlpacino
14 August 2014

Indian union and American federalism

Although the histories, levels of economic development, and critical issues of India and the U.S. are different, the confrontational party politics in their political systems pose similar challenges. Both countries can learn from the experience of federalism of the other to take their national agendas forward

Telangana-AP-Map-LMI Courtesy: Wikimedia
14 August 2014

Telangana: born of historic fissures

The birth of Telangana was a fall-out of the politics of opportunism practiced by both regional and national parties. The idea of federalism in India has to be conscious of these fault lines as they do not bode well for aspirations of cooperative federalism

sansad Courtesy: Wikipedia
14 August 2014

Flexible federalism

India’s federalism sees territory as fixed space through which power is distributed. We must instead imagine a federalism of time, a non-linear layering that reverses the heliocentrism of the State. It will give us models of disorder to create a diversity-sensitive system, and a new prism to re-imagine India’s future

Arab Republics Courtesy:
14 August 2014

Federalism for the Arab Republics?

Many Arab Republics are mired in political discord after the departure of the old tyrannical regimes opened up spaces for new struggles. In Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan, attempts to address the turmoil through constitutional reform are facing challenges. Will a democratic federalism be attained when the battles are done?

porto alegre Courtesy: wikimedia\commons
14 August 2014

Federalism, swaraj and Brazil

Brazil follows a more decentralised form of federalism and gives special importance to the municipalities. Porto Alegre’s successful 'participatory budgeting' is a role model for the world. India can learn from both the positive and negative aspects of the Brazilian system

Ashoka lions with flag_210x140 Courtesy:
14 August 2014

A renewed federalism of consonance

The government in New Delhi can address roadblocks in centre-state relations in various ways: by allowing fiscal federalism through such measures as a reallocation of resources; customising central schemes to state-specific needs; and by formulating policies through consultation, not confrontation