kejriwal-1 Courtesy: vm2827 / Flickr
28 January 2014

Decoding anarchism and swaraj

By calling himself an anarchist, Arvind Kejriwal has started a debate among supporters who equate anarchy with a potential breakdown of law and order. But anarchist philosophers believe that the basis of society is self-governing individuals and not a dominating ruler – an idea similar to Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘swaraj’

ddglobal2 Courtesy: Prasar Bharati
24 January 2014

Taking Doordarshan global

News channels like China’s CCTV, Russia Today and Al-Jazeera have become definitive voices for their nations and for international views. It is the right time for Doordarshan, a late entrant to electronic media-driven influence, to showcase India’s growing global ties and the success of its democracy to the world

hasinamanmohan Courtesy: The Prime Minister's Office/Flickr
16 January 2014

Bangladesh elections: was India right?

The return of the Awami League to power has generated protests and violence in Bangladesh. India’s support to the January 5 election was aimed at keeping at bay anti-India forces in Bangladesh, but anti-India sentiment in the country is high and fresh elections may throw up a result that does not suit New Delhi

aap Courtesy: DelhiiteRock/Wikimedia Commons
3 January 2014

Economic democracy: Waiting for mutation

The Aam Aadmi Party's endeavour to carve out an ideological space which is neither strictly Left nor Right is part of a greater global endeavour to frame a value-based political economy. But the attempt must be inclusive, bringing together people from all walks of life

Yameen Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
3 January 2014

The Maldives: small gains

Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen’s visit to India this week aims to repair ties, strained after the Maldives terminated a $500 million contract to the Bangalore-based infrastructure company, GMR. Yameen’s conciliatory stand stems from the need for international help, including India’s, to fix an economy in decline

afflag Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
26 December 2013

Non-violence in Afghanistan

Gateway House recently co-hosted the premiere show of the documentary ‘Frontier Gandhi’ in Mumbai. But do the ideals of non-violence have any active adherents in Afghanistan today? A search reveals a remarkable variety of passionate action in the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Badshah Khan