Modi on a plane Courtesy: MEA Flickr
21 May 2015

Modi’s global quest for clean energy

A common thread during Modi’s recent visits to China, Mongolia, and South Korea—as well as on his visits to other countries over the last year—is an attempt to move India away from coal and towards cleaner forms of energy such as solar power, natural gas, and nuclear energy. This signals a more responsible approach to development

India’s Skill Development: a German solution
7 May 2015

India’s Skill Development: a German solution

If India is to harness its demographic dividend and the 'Make in India' campaign is to succeed it is important that the growing working force is equipped with the necessary skills. India's current system is lacking in both quality and size, the German model holds a number of solutions for India

2016 Republican candidates Courtesy: Gage Skidmore
28 April 2015

Republicans gear up to ‘Stop Hillary’

With the 2016 U.S. presidential primaries in less than a year, Republican candidates have begun to multiply. Former Senator Jeb Bush is leading the pack, followed by Governor Scott Walker and Senator Marco Rubio. It is early days yet, but in their focus on countering Democrat Hillary Clinton, discussions on issues like the growing rivalry with China and plurilateral trade agreements are, so far, missing

Unity gov Courtesy: CentralMaine
27 April 2015

Afghanistan must make rights a reality

Huge threats to human rights continue in Afghanistan. President Ghani has pledged to end official tolerance for torture, and his government must also protect the freedom of the media, ensure that more women participate in peace talks, and bring transparency to negotiations with the Taliban. These correctives are overdue

Hillary 2016 Courtesy: Hillary Clinton/Flickr
13 April 2015

Hillary’s candidacy and India

Hillary Clinton finally announced her second bid to be the democratic candidate for the November 2016 presidential election on April 12. Despite her landmark achievements, there are a number of controversial issues from her time as senator, the first lady and as Secretary of State, that will be raised in the coming months

Buhari victory Courtesy: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung/Flickr
9 April 2015

Time for hope and healing in Nigeria

On 29 May, Buhari was sworn in as the next president of Nigeria, ending the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan. The mandate for Buhari indicates that Nigerians want a firmer hand in dealing with corruption, regionalism, and insurgency. It is now Buhari’s task to fulfil these hopes

mexico bollywood Courtesy: NPR
26 February 2015

Mexican inspiration for Bollywood

Mexican director Alejendra Inarritu’s Oscar for his work on Birdman comes after his compatriot won the same category award in 2014. This is a matter of pride for the Mexican film industry which is undergoing a renaissance in the last fifteen years. Although Indian cinema dwarfs the Mexican film industry, Mexico’s success in Hollywood should hold as inspiration for Bollywood