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27 April 2020

China’s Coming Upheaval

The U.S.-China relationship, which has wavered between cooperation and competition, has, over the past few years, veered more sharply towards confrontation – possibly because of China’s own more assertive stance. Now, Beijing’s confidence is under test, not only by these fractious relations, but also COVID-19 and an economic slowdown. Will these factors reveal its weaknesses?

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5 March 2020

Hype & substance in Trump’s visit

President Trump enjoyed every moment of the hype that attended his February 2020 visit to India, says Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director and Co-founder of Gateway House, in this podcast, even as the focus was on concrete outcomes, such as defence purchases and oil procurement deals. She discusses the geopolitical implications of a closer India-U.S. strategic relationship and the weaknesses of the U.S.-Taliban peace deal

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9 January 2020

Digital Natives’ protest goes offline

The current wave of protests sweeping India and the government’s suspension of internet services to impede communication has led to innovation. Protesters have taken recourse to offline messaging applications to escape detection while executing their plans. This infographic tracks the evolution of online media – from the basic to the more discreet

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8 August 2019

Delusional Politics

The apparently disparate themes that Hardeep Singh Puri analyses in this book cohere under his overarching thesis about delusional decision-making and its unexpected consequences, be it Brexit or the rise of populist leaders. His analysis includes an examination of the democratic process, the role of the media and the elusive nature of definitions

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20 June 2019

Germany and the European Parliament elections

The results of the European Parliament elections, held late last month, served as an eye-opener for individual member states, such as Germany. A former ambassador to Germany offers an analysis of the leadership changes afoot, shifting coalitions – and also the prospect of stability amidst all the flux

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28 May 2019

PM Modi’s foreign policy 2.0

India's foreign policy under the second Modi government will take account of a turbulent world in which the old verities are disappearing and domestic political compulsions exert overwhelming influence on external postures

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24 May 2019

Pricing nature: India’s opportunity

The re-election of the Bharatiya Janata Party to Parliament means that India’s infrastructure buildout will continue apace. This will be a heavy load on the environment. It will also have to abide by Prime Minister Modi’s commitment to the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This offers an opportunity for the government to think innovatively about measures for sustainable development, particularly in pricing nature

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23 May 2019

EU’s right coalesces

The German-French collaboration has been the motor of the European Union so far, but there has been a rise of resentment within the other European countries, with a mobilisation of right-wing parties and talk of an Italian-Polish motor instead, says Neelam Deo, Director and Co-Founder of Gateway House, in this interview. Elections to the European Parliament are taking place from May 23-26

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6 February 2019

Indian Foreign Policy in 21st Century

The following remarks were given by Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House as Distinguished Guest Lecturer at IIM Tiruchirappalli on February 3, 2019