Rediffmail Courtesy: Rediffmail
6 December 2018

Modi a better CM than PM?

Academic and columnist M.D. Nalapat, in this interview with Manjeet Kripalani, speaks of how a tardy bureaucracy has brought about “a too-cautious” policy towards the U.S. and China as opposed to the former Gujarat chief minister’s greater openness in consulting people before handing over policy implementation to the bureaucracy. He also discusses the prime minister’s shrewd approach to South Asia, the dependable warmth of the Japanese and a range of other topics

people-take-streets-banner-reading-independence-during-protest-greater-autonomy-catalonia Courtesy:
28 September 2017

Impact of tribalism in the democratic process

A number of democratic processes are set to unfold in this week. A referendum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the AfD's surprising outcome in the German Parliamentary election and the upcoming referendum in Catalonia, Spain. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director at Gateway House, discusses the geopolitical implications of these highly-controversial domestic democratic processes.

_96278695_6dce5a47-502a-4f67-95ff-17f4295e53c8 Courtesy: BBC
21 September 2017

India, Germany and Africa: the new priority

Germany and India have revealed a dual priority for Africa: creating opportunities for prosperity and promoting stability. For both, these are uncharted waters and represents a shift in the locus of global dynamism, away from an Anglo-Saxon world order to a more diverse yet potentially fissiparous one

old photos bombay Courtesy: Live Mint
15 August 2017

Bombay, Karachi, linked by sea and refuge

The 70th Independence Day for India and Pakistan – August 15 and 14 respectively – is a reminder of how Partition displaced 15 million people, causing untold hardship. What is less known is that the cities of Karachi and Bombay have had a shared colonial history and economy: the parting of ways left one bereft of a host of spirited citizens, who went on to rebuild their lives in the other