VenProtests 2014 Courtesy: durdaneta/Wikimedia Commons
13 March 2014

Tough times for Venezuela

On the political as well as economic fronts, Venezuela is facing multiple problems – from protests against shortages and crime, to high inflation and low foreign exchange reserves. The government itself is responsible for creating this situation over the years and a change in leadership may now be the solution

afflag Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
26 December 2013

Non-violence in Afghanistan

Gateway House recently co-hosted the premiere show of the documentary ‘Frontier Gandhi’ in Mumbai. But do the ideals of non-violence have any active adherents in Afghanistan today? A search reveals a remarkable variety of passionate action in the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Badshah Khan

Mandela UN NMF Photo Matthew Willman UN Courtesy: Matthew Willman/UN/NMF Photo/
6 December 2013

Honouring Nelson Mandela

In 1993, Nelson Mandela said: “We will have to go on striving to prove that King was right…when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war.” By learning from the tenacity of this striving, rather than by measuring outcomes, we can best honour Mandela

bigbirdz flickr Courtesy: bigbirdz/Flickr
14 August 2013

Liberalism as enlightened capitalism

We cannot have the ‘cowboy capitalism’ that almost brought down the world financial system in 2008, or the abdication of accountability by government institutions. Instead, both the private sector and the government must equally do their parts to create an equitable India to sustain economic growth for generations

mugabe governmentZA flickr Courtesy: GovernmentZA/Flickr
7 August 2013

Zimbabwe: The road to stability?

The ZANU-PF party’s recent victory in the elections in Zimbabwe is fraught with allegations of manipulation. Reactions have varied, but South African President Jacob Zuma has endorsed the outcome. How will Mugabe’s re-election impact relations with South Africa? What will be the impact on Zimbabwe’s economy?

Bahrain protest1 Courtesy: Al Jazeera English/Flickr
16 May 2013

Policy and Prejudice: Shia Divisionism in Bahrain

Two years ago, during the Arab Spring uprisings in several West Asian nations, youth and pro-democracy movements flared up on the Persian Gulf island of Bahrain. In light of these events, this paper assesses how Bahrain’s policies toward its Shia constituency have affected relations between Sunni and Shia groups.

WikimediaCommons Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
20 March 2013

Vote on Sri Lanka: Vote on UPA

New Delhi has taken some opportunistic actions, such as its vote against Sri Lanka in the UN Human Rights Council, to pacify internal political demands. But these extract a price in the international arena. Should we anticipate a further decline in India’s regional and international credibility?