learning from bangladesh Courtesy: Shutterstock
25 March 2021

Learning from Bangladesh

This month marks the beginning of triple celebrations in Bangladesh, including the 50th anniversary of its independence, for which Prime Minister Modi will be traveling to Dhaka as the guest of honour. There is much to celebrate: A country that began as a case study for development is now on top of the global GDP charts. The springboard was achieved through a thriving textiles industry, women's workforce participation, micro finance, liberal investment policies. There is much to learn from this neighbour.

19THPULWAMA Courtesy: The Hindu
28 March 2019

Can India sanction Pakistan post-Pulwama?

India has used military and diplomatic offensives against Pakistan as a response to the February 14 terrorist attack in Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir. There are two more options available - legal, through sanctions, and economic - to curb Pakistan's dangerous adventurism. Gateway House explores both in the infographic below

Gateway House's research on Chinese investments in India's Neighbourhood. Researched by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal. Courtesy: Gateway House
12 March 2018

Chinese Investments in India’s Neighbourhood

India and the world have watched China’s growing investment in Asia and beyond with a mix of awe and apprehension. The unprecedented scale of these investments are reshaping political arrangements around South Asia.

1200px-Malé_im_Landeanflug Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 February 2018

The politics of doing business in the Maldives

The recent crisis in the Maldives is a pertinent time to revisit an old case, highlighting the political uncertainties in the island nation due to growing Chinese influence and its impact on businesses and investors

Gateway House's research map on Chinese investments in Pakistan. Researched by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal. Courtesy: Gateway House
30 November 2017

Pakistan: A Reckless Mortgage

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a strategic play by China disguised as an economic corridor. It may bring some economic benefits to Pakistan in the short run, but will almost certainly cost the country – and India – a big political price in the long run

GH_GeoeconomicPushback Courtesy: Gateway House
10 August 2017

Geoeconomic pushback to China

The Indian government may block the acquisition of Gland Pharma by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceuticals, a move that offers further confirmation of how China’s opaque business model is causing concern worldwide. This infographic shows some high-profile cases of acquisitions by Chinese companies that ran into local opposition

9,11 photo Courtesy:
7 September 2011

America: Ten years after 9/11

A decade after 9/11, the U.S. has prevented further terrorist attacks - a major achievement. But with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, a debt downgrade, and 24 million Americans searching for jobs, the U.S. needs to attend to matters at home rather than intervening in the world's affairs.