International Monetary Fund Manging Director Christine Lagarde (L), Jeremy Johnson(2ndL), Sara Horowitz;(3rd L), Deborah Greenfield (3rd R), Jim Clifton (2nd R) and James Manyika (R) participate in a Seminar "The New Economy Forum:Future of Work" at the IMF Headquarters during the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings October 11, 2017. IMF Staff Photo/Stephen Jaffe Courtesy: IMF/ Flickr
12 October 2017

IMF, WB Annual Meetings 2017: growth outlook

The IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, being held on October 12-15 will take place amidst news that the growth momentum of the global economy is being sustained, and the outlook looks better than it did during the Spring Meetings. How can a global consensus be developed to better address the growth fundamentals now that the global economy is strengthening?

GH_GeoeconomicPushback Courtesy: Gateway House
10 August 2017

Geoeconomic pushback to China

The Indian government may block the acquisition of Gland Pharma by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceuticals, a move that offers further confirmation of how China’s opaque business model is causing concern worldwide. This infographic shows some high-profile cases of acquisitions by Chinese companies that ran into local opposition

financial-chart-backgrounds-wallpapers Courtesy: Northernminer
14 February 2017

Global taxation and the perversion of capital flows

In the wake of trade-based globalisation followed by financial globalisation, a large volume of capital began moving from developing to advanced countries. This has resulted in relatively poor developing countries effectively becoming net creditors to the rest of the world. Reversing this massive outflow of capital requires governments to strengthen governance in all its dimensions and have closer international collaboration to tighten the regulatory oversight of tax havens for greater transparency

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14 February 2017

Trump: the real estate businessman

In Gretchen Morgenson's interview she discusses the implications on the American stock market of the repeal of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations and the possibility of a reduction in corporate taxes. She argues that although Trump has proposed several changes to financial regulations and the American tax regime, he may be unable to implement these measures. She then illustrates the impact of the lack of accountability of the government on the psyche of the American consumer, which would, by default, affect the economy. She emphasizes on the impact, that Trump being a real estate business man, will have on his negotiating methods, and in turn will have on investors.

GST pic1 Courtesy: Reuters
11 August 2016

Key GST lessons from the world

The long march to implement the long-awaited Good and Services Tax in India has just begun. It is instructive to understand how other countries introduced this tax and cherry-pick lessons from their experiences

India-US Partnership: $1 Trillion by 2030 by Nish Acharya Courtesy: Oxford University Press
1 July 2016

The India-U.S. Partnership: $1 Trillion by 2030

The story of U.S.-India relations is one of unfulfilled potential. Despite their common commitment to democracy, diversity, and free markets, the short- and long-term objectives have not aligned in a way that has enabled the creation of a robust economic and political partnership. These two nations, which will soon be the second and third largest economies in the world, must find ways to increase their economic integration over the next 10 years

IMG_2283 Courtesy: Manjeet Kripalani
2 June 2016

The sanctioned, sleeping beauties awake

The crippling effect of American sanctions are thorough; designed to strangle economies and bring entire nations to a halt. However, they unknowingly pull people together, imparting a deep sense of patriotism and often sparking innovation which can quickly surpass any other world power. With sanctions being lifted on nations like Myanmar, Iran and, hopefully, Cuba, the question remains whether they will retain their uniqueness or fall into line with the rest?

modi RCEP Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
26 May 2016

India’s five-cornered trade strategy

Five rather unfavourable trends define India’s trade performance over the past two years; these trends also provide useful pointers as to where India’s future trade strategy can go over the next three years as it deals with a global economic slowdown, the rise of megatrade agreements and a pivot to a more intensive trade relation with the U.S.