india aus cyber coop Courtesy: Australian High Commission
27 April 2022

India-Australia calibrate cyber cooperation

New global economic, military and political alliances are taking shape, and call for like-minded nations to calibrate their strategic, long term interests. The new India-Australia economic trade agreement is reflective of this. It also folds in a critical element: wide cooperation in cyber security, which now impacts the economy, democratic institutions and warfare. India has much to learn from Australia’s low key but smart cyber expertise.

china-solomon Courtesy: Financial Times
21 April 2022

Economic and human security in the Indo-Pacific

China has established a dominant presence in the Indo-Pacific through exploitative economic engagements. This has destabilised smaller nations in the region and made them dependent on Chinese support. For a free and open Indo-Pacific, India must press its advantage in human and economic capacity building.

Logistics,And,Transportation,Of,Container,Cargo,Ship,And,Cargo,Plane Courtesy: Shutterstock
10 March 2022

India in the Resilient Supply Chain Initiative

Concerns of global supply chains being overdependent on China has shifted the focus to India. This became clear in 2021 when Australia, Japan and India together launched the Resilient Supply Chain Initiative. India must now leverage its unique position in the Indo-Pacific region by incorporating well-planned industrial clusters and models.

TDB_car_151021 Courtesy: TDB
24 February 2022

Enhancing Regional Financial Intermediation in the Indo-Pacific

Financial intermediaries are critical lubricants for business, growth and development. The Indo-Pacific countries are industrializing, but smaller nations lag behind economically. The Quad countries can aid the advancement of the financial architecture in the Indo-Pacific by helping to develop an ecosystem, modelled on the examples of Japan and India.

0014 Courtesy: Gateway House
17 February 2022

Financial connectivity in the Bay of Bengal

Multilateral funding can aid regional financial connectivity between the Bay of Bengal states, where financial networks are scarce. India's successful fintech can be mobilised to create a local ecosystem of startups with better access to funds and strong ties to the Indian market.

India in the Indo-Pacific cover Courtesy: Gateway House
1 February 2022

India in the Indo-Pacific: Pursuing Prosperity and Security

The Indo-Pacific has become an important part of global geopolitics in the recent past, with several great powers implementing concerted Indo-Pacific policies to create economic, social and security linkages with the region. India can use its development experience and futuristic technology to secure stability and prosperity. This compendium of essays explores the comprehensive role that India can play in the Indo-Pacific, from energy and environment, to trade, security, technology and a vibrant diaspora.

GIs Courtesy: Blaise Fernandes
14 January 2022

Indian GI: Local Goes National Goes Global

Geographical Indication (GI) tags denote a good's specific physical origin. These are potential revenue-generators for India. Combining government support with its e-commerce network, India can empower MSMEs and women-led cottage industries to compete with large companies by building a strong GI ecosystem. The Make in India initiative and GI can together provide an impetus to social and economic growth in India.

virgin spaceport Courtesy: UAE Space Agency
18 November 2021

UAE: Aerotropolis to Astropolis

After successfully developing Dubai and Abu Dhabi as aerotropoli or cities around an aviation hub the United Arab Emirates aims to become an astropolis, a hub of space tourism and human spaceflight. There is ample scope for UAE to cooperate on this with India, which is also its comprehensive strategic partner.