9,11 photo Courtesy:
7 September 2011

America: Ten years after 9/11

A decade after 9/11, the U.S. has prevented further terrorist attacks - a major achievement. But with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, a debt downgrade, and 24 million Americans searching for jobs, the U.S. needs to attend to matters at home rather than intervening in the world's affairs.

brics leaders_210x140 Courtesy: dilmarousseff/Flickr
6 June 2011

BRICS: Convergence or dissonance?

As Europe stands united in its support for France's Finance Minister Christine Lagarde as a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund, many have begun to question if BRICS is truly an effective and united bloc. Will they be able to put forth a candidate all emerging countries can support?

London.gov_.uk_ Courtesy: London.gov.uk
6 January 2011

“There’s an incredible excitement about Mumbai”

As London gears up to host the 2012 Summer Olympics, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, tells Gateway House's Shloka Nath what Mumbai can take away from London’s plans for renewal and expansion. Johnson likens Mumbai’s vibrancy and potential to London’s appeal.

DPA_0 Courtesy: DPA
20 September 2010

‘India might translate (its) economic influence into political and perhaps even military power…’

Gateway House recently hosted Dr. Eberhard Sandschneider, the Research Director of Berlin's Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik or the German Council on Foreign Relations.