John Kerry 2 Courtesy: Center for American Progress/ Flickr
21 June 2013

India-U.S. revive lingering ties

The upcoming India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue offers an appropriate platform to move past complaints both sides have against each other in the trade and economic spheres. The stage can be used to re-apply emphasis on strategic relations and reach levels of goodwill established during the time of former U.S. President George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh

mohanpai 2 Courtesy: T. V. Mohandas Pai
3 June 2013

“Government needs a partnership with our private sector”

The recent crisis at Infosys suggests that corporate governance in India’s IT sector has been slipping. Gateway House talks to T.V. Mohandas Pai, former CFO of the company, about what the Indian IT industry and the government can do to raise global competitiveness and remain recognised as centers of innovation

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

bhojwani_0 Courtesy: SamirB37/WikimediaCommons
4 October 2012

Interview: India’s prospects in Latin America

As India looks to diversify its sources for energy imports and grapples with food security issues, it is looking more towards Latin America. Gateway House interviews Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani to discuss India’s prospects with this increasingly significant region.

wall street volker article Courtesy: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr
24 August 2012

Why we need the Volcker Rule

Front running is a form of insider trading, where investment banks use customers' trading information to trade for themselves, ahead of their clients. This practise results in huge losses to the investors, and abates trust in financial markets. How can the Volcker Rule contain this practice on a global scale?

wall street 2 Courtesy: Fletcher6/WikimediaCommons
23 July 2012

The shadow of LIBORgate

As the revelations pile up after the LIBOR rigging incident, it seems Europe and Britain are more committed to enforcement action than America. Real conservatives believe fully in market capitalism, that prices must come from uncorrupted market signals. Could this start a sea-change for enforcement globally?

celac2 Courtesy: Martinmartin/WikimediaCommons
29 June 2012

Regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America is witnessing an exponential rise in regional integration of business houses. The resource-rich nature of most Latin American economies has led to an inward concentration of investment, which makes it an extremely interesting prospect for Indian investors.

tightrope india us Courtesy: The White House
13 June 2012

Iran tests India’s policy

Apart from bilateral ties, also at play at the India-U.S. Strategic dialogue is the difficult triangulation in India’s relations with the U.S. and Iran. It does not serve India to get enmeshed in the U.S-Iran confrontation. Instead, the relationship must develop on the basis of realpolitik and mutual interest.