obamaxi Courtesy: Systemman, Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo/Wikimedia Commons
21 October 2013

U.S. government shutdown, China’s gain

The U.S. government shutdown and President Obama’s absence gave China immense diplomatic and political space at the APEC and East Asia Summit meetings. China’s declaration of a “de-Americanised” world may be premature but the crumbling old order is doing little to dispel this notion

corridorsmap2 Courtesy: Gateway House
11 July 2013

Asia’s Strategic Corridors to India

The map – Asia’s Strategic Corridors to India – has emerged from Gateway House’s study of India’s strategic links with other parts of Asia. It highlights the progress India has made in forging multiple links with six strategic regions – Central Asia, West Asia, East Africa, South-East Asia, East Asia, and our immediate neighbourhood

Badi Soch: Is the U.S.-EU free trade plan a threat to India and China?
19 June 2013

Badi Soch: Is the U.S.-EU free trade plan a threat to India and China?

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. Today’s focus is on the negotiations for a free trade agreement between the E.U. and the U.S.

china final Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
22 May 2013

Li and Obama’s Mumbai lessons

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is also a salesman for his country – but he comes with the one offer no foreign dignitary has made so far: money. Cash-strapped Indian business especially those in the infrastructure and resource businesses, will certainly be looking now to China to make their dreams of survival come true.

rupee renminbi flickr Courtesy: Flickr/CreativeCommons
17 May 2013

India-China: Enhancing Economic Synergies

In the coming decade, India and China are set to achieve a historic $100 billion bilateral trade volume. But India’s concerns over growing trade imbalances and market access need to be addressed so that the two neighbouring economies can forge a more sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership

Gateway House Courtesy:
15 March 2013

Shyam Saran: BRICS must deliver a Development Bank

The establishment of a BRICS Development Bank will be among the prime topics of discussion at the BRICS Summit on March 26. Gateway House’s Akshay Mathur interviews former Indian Ambassador and Foreign Secretary, Shyam Saran, on the prospects and viability of alternate financial architectures.

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

Courtesy: alantankenghoe/Flickr
31 August 2012

On the fast-track: Technology transfer in China

Over the past four years, China has switched from being an importer of high-speed trains to the world’s largest manufacturer. Much of this can be attributed to the transfer of foreign technology to Chinese state-owned enterprises. How have Chinese government policies and economic heft aided this effort?

Can BRICS swaps save the rupee copy Courtesy: Flickr/t3rmin4t0r
1 June 2012

The case for BRICS swaps

Banks around the globe would be wise to take a second look at what now could be the most significant agreement in international finance since the Euro: the BRICS currency swap. Though certain geopolitical risks are involved, could this free India from unpredictable currency fluctuations?