International Monetary Fund Manging Director Christine Lagarde (L), Jeremy Johnson(2ndL), Sara Horowitz;(3rd L), Deborah Greenfield (3rd R), Jim Clifton (2nd R) and James Manyika (R) participate in a Seminar "The New Economy Forum:Future of Work" at the IMF Headquarters during the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings October 11, 2017. IMF Staff Photo/Stephen Jaffe Courtesy: IMF/ Flickr
12 October 2017

IMF, WB Annual Meetings 2017: growth outlook

The IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, being held on October 12-15 will take place amidst news that the growth momentum of the global economy is being sustained, and the outlook looks better than it did during the Spring Meetings. How can a global consensus be developed to better address the growth fundamentals now that the global economy is strengthening?

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29 September 2017

Civil security lessons from Germany

The German civil security industry is in the throes of change: it was once an avenue of employment for the less educated or the jobless. Today, companies are increasingly selling comprehensive security solutions. India will gain by being prepared for such trends and technological innovations

Pintrest Courtesy: Pinterest
14 August 2017

The demographics of modern India

Modern India stands tall on August 15, 2017: over the past year, it has been seen as the fastest growing major country, macroeconomic stability has been re-established, and the GST implemented. Why, then, are so many stressing that India desperately needs reforms to its labour laws to keep the momentum going?

BRICS_leaders_meet_on_the_sidelines_of_2016_G20_Summit_in_China (1) Courtesy: Narendra Modi/ Flickr
12 August 2017

BRICS Summit under Doklam shadow

BRICS, which has always been committed to enhancing solidarity, is now entering its second decade – even as tensions between its two most consequential members remain unresolved and member states and other emerging markets are set to serve as “the main engine” of global growth

Argentina Courtesy: Pixabay
10 August 2017

Argentina: in the ascendant

Once a laggard, Argentina is now a rising star in South America. Its economy is recovering, GDP growth is stable and financial reforms have taken hold. In 2018, it will host the presidency of the G20, its first step onto the global stage after over a decade in isolation. With Argentina’s G20 agenda fully aligned with India’s priorities, how can India gain?

Indian Trade Route Courtesy: Gateway House
4 April 2017

Diversifying India’s trade destinations

India’s global economic engagement, especially with the developing world, has increased in the last two decades, but trade with South Asia has remained low. It holds the potential for building greater productivity and more inclusive growth in India and the region

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14 February 2017

Russia’s financial resiliency and capabilities

In this interview Anastasia Likhacheva discusses the impact and a few of the positive externalities of the oil price drop, sanctions and counter sanctions on the Russian economy. Despite Trump’s obvious warmth towards Russia, she doesn’t foresee any major agreements signed between the two countries due to the roadblocks that can be placed by the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate. She further describes the role she sees Russia undertaking in Asian financial institutions like the NDB and the AIIB in the future.