Sanctions,-,Just,Ahead Courtesy: Shutterstock
5 August 2021

Are counter-sanctions effective against sanctions?

Sanctions are an important foreign policy tool, used especially by the West against its adversaries. Now, these rivals are retaliating with counter-sanctions. Are these effective? How does this impact global politics? Where does India stand in this free-for-all sanctions era?

Lisa Curtis and Surjit Bhalla Courtesy: CNBC-TV18 (Youtube)
5 August 2021

Quad collaboration on economics and technology

On 30 July 2021, Lisa Curtis and Surjit Bhalla, co-chairs of the Gateway House Quad Economy and Technology Task Force, spoke to CNBC-TV-18 on the various channels of cooperation between the Quad countries in technology, supply chains and undersea cables, and the need to counter China's dominance in the Indo-Pacific.

Countering China's Maritime Greyzone activities Courtesy:
22 July 2021

Countering China’s Maritime Grey Zone Activities

On 15 July, Gateway House co-hosted a webcast with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) on 'Countering China’s Maritime Grey Zone Activities'. The panel discussed the potential strategies that smaller nations in the region can adopt to overcome the challenges of Chinese maritime grey zone activities, and the role of regional maritime powers in capability-building of maritime law enforcement agencies.

sanctions and counter-sanctions Courtesy: Shutterstock
15 July 2021

Sanctions and counter-sanctions

For years, Western countries have used sanctions as a means of economic warfare against their adversaries. Now, China and Russia are utilising the same tactic against the West. The United Nations Security Council is paralysed by differences between the five permanent members, leaving the tools of unilateral sanctions and counter-sanctions to proliferate at the cost of UN-approved multilateral sanctions.

India Italy Social media-2 Courtesy:
8 July 2021

India-Italy Round Table on Energy Transitions

Gateway House and the Embassy of Italy in New Delhi co-hosted the India-Italy Round Table on Energy Transitions. Indian and Italian companies involved across in the energy ecosystem came together to discuss potential collaborations. India is energy dependent and Italy has an innovative energy industry. The two countries can partner on new technologies, trade, financing mechanisms and to update regulations for a new energy era.

Securing India's energy needs Courtesy: Shutterstock
8 July 2021

Securing India’s energy needs

India’s oil consumption and imports are likely to resume their upward trajectory as the economy opens up, after a temporary drop due to the pandemic. To secure its energy needs, the country should shift course from investing in oil and gas assets of emerging economies to those of developed nations. The oil-rich Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, such as Canada, Norway, and the U.S. can be given special consideration.

india-africa-forum-summit-2 Courtesy:
26 June 2021

Re-energizing India’s Africa policy

Africa is a foreign policy priority for India, but evidence shows a recent decline in bilateral trade and investment. There is already a "third scramble" for geopolitical influence in Africa. Now is the time for India to make new commitments in the continent: developing and deepening links in health, space and digital technologies.

DRISHTI AI Courtesy: LinkedIn | Drishti
10 June 2021

Drishti: Foresight to a digital manufacturing future

Using computer vision and AI to capture factory-wide data of human operators, Drishti Technologies co-relates human actions to line efficiencies, bottlenecks and root-cause analysis. Indian manufacturers operating at the lower end of the automation curve can use this combination to improve productivity, safety and quality by a deep-dive into human-action analytics.

Source: Shutterstock Courtesy: Shutterstock
3 June 2021

The Quad hits its stride

As China’s global competitive edge is sharpening across the military, economic, diplomatic, and technological domains, it is clear that the extent to which the Quad countries (Australia, India, Japan, and the United States) can collaborate across all four domains will be an important factor in determining whether China’s hegemonic designs on the Indo-Pacific will succeed.