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18 April 2017

IMF spring meetings: projecting a pickup

The IMF spring meetings on April 21-23 will take place amidst good news of the global economy moving into a better position. But the underlying fundamentals are still weak both in advanced countries and emerging markets, with the risks considerable. Economic policy makers must recognise and address the challenges with global consensus and multilateral actions

financial-chart-backgrounds-wallpapers Courtesy: Northernminer
14 February 2017

Global taxation and the perversion of capital flows

In the wake of trade-based globalisation followed by financial globalisation, a large volume of capital began moving from developing to advanced countries. This has resulted in relatively poor developing countries effectively becoming net creditors to the rest of the world. Reversing this massive outflow of capital requires governments to strengthen governance in all its dimensions and have closer international collaboration to tighten the regulatory oversight of tax havens for greater transparency

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6 February 2017

OBOR: in search of private financing

China has launched the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative in an attempt to rebuild the ancient Silk Road with proposed land and sea routes to promote infrastructure, trade, and investment in the regions that it will thus connect. The challenge will be to attract private financing to support the official and multilateral ones

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3 September 2016

Restoring IMF’s SDRs

At the G20 summit in Hangzhou, leaders are expected to discuss the potential for strengthening the international monetary system and the conditions under which SDR could play an important role in this regard. This is a step that is well overdue but will require a major leap in international policy coordination.