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25 January 2018

South Africa leads BRICS, IORA in 2018

Internal political constraints dog it currently, but if overcome, South Africa can be a good chairman to BRICS and IORA in 2018. It also has a tough balancing act to perform between two great Asian powers, China and India

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1 January 2018

Trump’s NSS and Great Power competition

The camaraderie that Trump and Xi projected in November 2017 generated unease. At year end, Trump’s National Security Strategy did away with the multipolar niceties, but the challenges remain: for the U.S., it’s promoting rule of law while opting out of multilateral bodies. For China, it’s taking stock of how its image corresponds to reality

Gateway House's research map on Chinese investments in Pakistan. Researched by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal. Courtesy: Gateway House
30 November 2017

Pakistan: A Reckless Mortgage

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a strategic play by China disguised as an economic corridor. It may bring some economic benefits to Pakistan in the short run, but will almost certainly cost the country – and India – a big political price in the long run

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1 November 2017

The rise and rise of Xi Jinping

For the last fortnight, the world has been captivated by the events of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which elevated Chinese President Xi Jinping to the status accorded to Chairman Mao. Xi Jinping has consolidated his position in the CCP, strengthened his hold over the country and provided a policy road-map for the next five years. 'Xi' Jinping Thought' is now enshrined In the Chinese Constitution just as firmly as was 'Mao Zedong Thought'.

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5 October 2017

Learnings from Chinese outbound investment

Beijing has its finger on the economic pulse of the country, demonstrating a responsiveness to criticism at home and abroad. It reveals a great deal about Chinese political priorities and societal changes, and offers a collective learning for investors and markets worldwide – and especially for India.