g20 Courtesy: G20 Taskforce, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
25 February 2014

RBI and G20: Time to recalibrate?

After 2008 the G20 framed guidelines for emerging economies to coordinate their financial actions with the developed world. But the US’s backtracking created havoc in many countries. Now, after the recent G20 meeting, it may be time for the RBI to reconsider some financial measures, which India took in good faith

bahrain Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
25 February 2014

The Gulf comes to India

Talks between India and the delegations visiting this week from Saudi Arabia and Iran revolved around defence, energy, trade, and regional security. High level visitors to India from Bahrain last week also focused on the economy. It is in India’s interests to carry forward this momentum even after the general elections

aseanindia Courtesy: Prime Minister's Office
31 January 2014

India-ASEAN’s elusive services FTA

The India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in services and trade will allow India to leverage its competitive offerings in IT, finance, among other fields. But the pact has proved elusive so far due to the open squabbling between ministries. The deal now looks set to come through only after the new government takes over

tpp Courtesy: Gobierno de Chile/Wikimedia Commons
24 January 2014

India and the TPP: Wait and watch?

Can India integrate more fully into the global economy and energise its trade by joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Or will negotiating an entry require significant concessions, not necessarily in India’s interests? These outcomes will depend on how TPP framework itself develops – inclusively or exclusively

obama-xi2 Courtesy: Secretary of Defense/Flickr
23 January 2014

China is America’s biggest challenge

U.S. President Barack Obama’s focus on domestic issues has sidelined his country’s foreign policy at a time when China is ascending as a superpower. With China’s economy set to surpass the U.S.'s by 2017, a recent report presents a ‘grand strategy’ for the U.S. to counter China’s economic and strategic expansion

parliament Courtesy: Shahnoor Habib Munmum/Wikimedia Commons
10 January 2014

FDI pharma policy needs unusual answers

The issue of foreign direct investment in pharmaceuticals has come under attack from many lobbies. The answers lie in the public sector or public distribution mechanisms. Addressing public health concerns without vitiating the investment climate must be one of the key priorities of the next government

rbi Courtesy: Government of India
27 December 2013

Curbing India’s dependence on FII flows

The extent of the rupee’s depreciation in 2013 demonstrates the Indian market’s dependence on overseas portfolio investments. Can developing domestic institutional bulwarks allay anxieties during similar crises? Is tapping into India’s deep pool of domestic savings, by modifying archaic regulations, an option?

michelle Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
18 December 2013

The return of the Left in Chile

The return of the Left after four years, with the election this week of Michelle Bachelet as the president of Chile, will not mean any drastic change of direction. Chile has the most stable democracy and dynamic market in Latin America, and its Left can become a model for other countries, including India

rr2 Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
16 December 2013

Decoding RBI’s invite to foreign banks

The recent statement by the governor of the RBI that foreign banks might be allowed to take over Indian banks, has rekindled the debate on the status of foreign banks. What has prompted the RBI’s new position and how does it weigh against the existing policy landscape? Why are foreign banks waiting and watching?