ukraine1 Courtesy: Spacie/WIkimedia Commons
14 March 2014

‘Sanctions on Russia could impact India’

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks about the potential economic impact of the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine. In this interview, she also examines the aid packages offered to Ukraine by Russia and the West, and assesses how the situation will affect India’s trade relations

seema Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
5 March 2014

India-UK: Re-energising trade ties

Seema Malhotra, Member of Parliament, Labour Party, House of Commons, UK, talks about ways to enhance the India-UK trade relationship. In an interview to Gateway House, she also discusses CSR initiatives in the UK and mentoring of MPs in the UK Parliament

BOUTON Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
20 February 2014

‘The biggest concern is trade’

Marshall Bouton, an expert on the India-U.S. bilateral, talks about how ties between the two countries can be repaired. In an interview to Gateway House, he also discusses the steps India must take to integrate with the global economy, and the U.S.’s plans in Afghanistan

kapil kapoor (2) Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
26 July 2013

India-Africa: Beyond historical ties

As India looks towards Africa to expand its economic ties, it faces a number of challenges - both policy and commercial. Gateway House interviews Kapil Kapoor, Director of Strategy at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), to discuss new strategies for trade and investment in African countries

Tarun Kataria Photo Courtesy: Tarun Kataria
21 June 2013

The rupee’s precipitous plunge

Tarun Kataria, CEO, Religare Capital Markets India foresaw the decline of the rupee to the 60 mark against the U.S. dollar several months ago. He speaks to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani about the impact the rupee crisis will have on the economy and consumers and how the government can reverse the situation

mohanpai 2 Courtesy: T. V. Mohandas Pai
3 June 2013

“Government needs a partnership with our private sector”

The recent crisis at Infosys suggests that corporate governance in India’s IT sector has been slipping. Gateway House talks to T.V. Mohandas Pai, former CFO of the company, about what the Indian IT industry and the government can do to raise global competitiveness and remain recognised as centers of innovation

anita raghavan Courtesy: Glen Davis
3 June 2013

“We will likely see a decrease in the practice of insider trading”

Gateway House interviews Anita Raghavan, the author of ‘The Billionaire’s Apprentice,’ to discuss the fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund and the conviction of Rajat Gupta in 2012, its impact on the Wall Street, and especially, its repercussions for the Indian-American community.