Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
13 December 2011

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Amidst myriad country groupings that already exist – BRICS, IBSA, APEC, SCO and many others – a new initiative in the Pacific is looking to integrate more powerful countries to form a multilateral free trade agreement – the Trans Pacific Partnership. How important is this towards the reshaping of trade and power?

IMG_0413 (2)_0 Courtesy: Shipra Tripathi
20 October 2011

Zimbabwe: Ready for India’s Business

Zimbabwe is an exciting country, still in bud but about to bloom, much like the beautiful blue jacaranda trees in Harare’s Liberty Park. Shipra Tripathi, one of India’s leading experts on Africa, was in the country last month in her new position as Vice President - International Business for Kirloskar Brothers.

Durova Wikipedia Courtesy: Durova/Wikipedia
16 March 2011

Japan: A model of resilience

Japan has always been the quickest to extend relief to any country facing a humanitarian crisis. In the wake of its cataclysmic earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the former Indian Ambassador to Japan hopes that India can extend the same measure of compassion to a country that is celebrated for its resurgence.