GS_1 Courtesy: Prime Minister of Japan and his Cabinet
5 October 2020

Yoshihide Suga: blessed by Ganesha

Japan's new Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga belongs to the Ganesha Group – an amorphous but important group of short time Members of Parliament without political hereditary. Ganesha or Kangiten in Japanese is the symbol of good fortune in business and also a solver of problems. This is certainly an appropriate mascot for the Suga administration, which will need to resolve pending global issues and develop good business partnerships in the coming years.

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31 August 2020

What Abe’s resignation means for India

Under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, India and Japan shared a live and confident partnership. The engagement with India is one of his legacies, with Japan a steadfast partner and the strategic dimension being qualitatively different. Dealing with a new Japanese leader will be a challenge for India, and that new equation will determine the pace at which Japan's partnership with India will deepen.

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27 August 2020

Pakistan’s international terrorist hall of fame

On 18th August, Pakistan announced wide-ranging restrictions on prominent anti-India terrorist leaders. These steps are clearly aimed to prevent Pakistan from slipping into the black list of the Financial Action Task Force, where Pakistan is already grey-listed. Their implementation remains key as in the past, Islamabad's global anti-terrorism commitments have been abandoned once global scrutiny of its support to terrorist infrastructure, decreases or is distracted.

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13 August 2020

India’s Defence-Industrial Agenda

The delivery of five Rafale fighter jets last month is a big boost for Indian military capacity. The government's recent ban on the import of 101 defence items is a major step forward in building domestic defence-industrial capabilities. Partnering with like-minded diplomatic partners and adopting emerging technologies will help India in this endeavour.

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17 July 2020

China’s internal dilemmas

China is the center of the universe and it's enjoying the attention - as also misusing it. Its rise changed geopolitics and trade starting two decades ago. And now in 2020, its rise is changing geopolitics and trade again. Dexter Roberts is the author of a new book The Myth of Chinese Capitalism, The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World. As the BusinessWeek and Bloomberg-BusinessWeek bureau chief in Beijing, Roberts has seen China first hand.

Image 2 - Pakistan - between Covid and China Courtesy: Gateway House
8 July 2020

Pakistan – between COVID and China

Tilak Devasher, Member, National Security Advisory Board was in conversation with Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House. The discussion centered around Pakistan's management of COVID-19 and its relations with China.

Image 2 - Decoupling from China Courtesy: Gateway House
30 June 2020

Decoupling from China

Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy & Environment, Gateway House was in conversation with Blaise Fernandes, Director, Gateway House. This discussion was moderated by Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House.

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25 June 2020

Latin America’s COVID-19 lessons for India

India and Latin America share similar demographics and challenges of density in the battle against COVID-19 India currently trails Latin America in the extent and volume of infection by a few weeks. Collaboration and sharing of local best practices can help both regions combat the contagion better.

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26 March 2020

COVID-19 can speed ‘Make High-Tech in India’

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the deficiencies of India’s precision instrument import-dependency and the global supply-chain vulnerabilities of international high-tech manufacturing giants. New Delhi can incentivise such companies to manufacture under the Make in India and Assemble for the World in India programmes