Lear 21 Wikipedia Courtesy: Lear21,ThomasWolf/Wikipedia
22 April 2011

Germany: Charting its own course

Germany’s abstention on the UN Resolution on Libya heralds the mellowing of a nation blamed for last century’s most catastrophic wars. This time, Berlin may determine the history of Europe by choosing to pursue its national interests peacefully rather than subjugating an entire populace.

UN Photo Marco Castro_210x140 Courtesy: UNPhoto/MarcoCastro
14 April 2011

South Africa’s human rights dilemma

As the newest entrant of the BRICS group, South Africa's unpredictability in upholding the human rights dimension of its foreign policy agenda, by its stance to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Libya, has brought about an incoherency between the BRIC countries and South Africa.

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17 November 2010

Global Financial Openness Index

Over the past decade, emerging markets that have liberalized are far more open to foreign banks in their markets than are developed economies. A Gateway House study of financial services in 11 countries: four BRIC countries, one emerging market, four developed economies and two developing markets.

president ir 2_210x140 Courtesy: PresidentIR
2 August 2010

Reassessing the Iranian nuclear threat

The leaders of Turkey and Brazil recently voted against sanctioning Iran, concluding that Iran's leaders do not intend to violate their most important Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty obligation. India, as a member of NAM, should also concede.