DSC_5532 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 March 2018

Toshinori Doi on regulating digital finance

Gateway House spoke to Toshinori Doi, President, Policy Research Institute, Japan, on the sidelines of the Gateway of India Geoeconomic Dialogue, on the risks associated with digitising finance, the Belt and Road Initiative and dealing with Chinese market dominance

DSC_7333 Courtesy: Gateway House
12 March 2018

Summarising the skills challenge

K.P. Krishnan, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship & Chairman, National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), Government of India, discusses the formidable task of upgrading India’s skills deficit swiftly and inclusively

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22 February 2018

Khalistan 2.0: revival of Sikh separatism

Radical Sikh elements within the Indian diaspora have found the permissive political climate in Canada, North America and Europe conducive to building a support base in their respective countries, while donations from gurdwaras abroad and social media propaganda have fuelled separatist efforts in Punjab. India may have to step with care, containing the hostile propaganda, yet not appearing too stern in its response

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7 January 2018

The unchanged U.S.-Pakistan dynamic

Logistical support for this mission, movement of heavy equipment, fuel and other supplies, needs connectivity via Pakistan.

VizagPort Courtesy: Wikimapia
6 September 2017

Innovation’s role in the Blue Economy

The new global emphasis on the Blue Economy is attracting the interest of governments, development agencies, and more recently, social impact investors. A marked change from previous years is the increased participation of developing and coastal economies, which are its very beneficiaries

President Trump addresses nation on South Asia strategy Courtesy:
31 August 2017

Trump’s Af policy: too late for impact?

In yet another policy flip, U.S. President Trump announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. While committing more troops to the region, he called out Pakistan as a 'safe harbour' for terrorism and called on India to do more. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director at Gateway House, joins us to discuss the implications of this new direction and what it means for India.