haaretz Courtesy: Haaretz
5 May 2017

Family power politics in Riyadh

Dynasty has its own reasons and the 40 decrees that King Salman issued last month were designed to hand more power to the Salman branch of the House of Saud. Is a promotion in the offing for his son, the deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman? What does this bode for the country’s foreign policy? President Trump’s first foreign visit will be to Saudi Arabia later this month

Ghizer_Gilgit-baltistan Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
12 April 2017

Gilgit-Baltistan: Pakistan’s changed calculations

A Pakistani committee has recommended to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that Gilgit-Baltistan should be declared the country’s fifth province. For 70 years Pakistan has avoided integrating its occupied parts of Kashmir for fear of damaging its legal position. That calculation may now have changed

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28 February 2017

Trump: overturning the status quo

President Trump has moved to deliver on his campaign promises with rare alacrity: his executive actions cover everything from policies on trade and energy to bringing back manufacturing to America. But he has also been walked back on some of his explosive assertions while ambiguity looms large over several issues

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14 February 2017

Russia’s financial resiliency and capabilities

In this interview Anastasia Likhacheva discusses the impact and a few of the positive externalities of the oil price drop, sanctions and counter sanctions on the Russian economy. Despite Trump’s obvious warmth towards Russia, she doesn’t foresee any major agreements signed between the two countries due to the roadblocks that can be placed by the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate. She further describes the role she sees Russia undertaking in Asian financial institutions like the NDB and the AIIB in the future.

hong kong election Courtesy: AFP
8 September 2016

Hong Kong’s divided political landscape

The unanticipated success of "radical" candidates in Hong Kong's Legislative Council election, including student activists central to the "umbrella revolution" of two years ago, has shaken the territory's pro-Chinese establishment and seized ground from more moderate pro-democracy voices. More fractious politics look set to continue in the immediate future.

Protect_Your_Republic_Protest_-_1_(2007-04-14) Courtesy: Wikipedia
18 August 2016

Turkey post-coup: stronger than ever

It was the iron will of the citizens of Turkey and their uncompromising belief in the deeply rooted democratic traditions and institutions of the country which proved to be critical in defeating the July coup attempt. Turkey will continue the reforms which have made it a shining light in the region

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18 August 2016

Turkey’s fight for democracy

The July coup in Turkey did not achieve its objective of eliminating President Erdogan, who has, ironically, emerged a ‘national hero.’ Does this signal a new beginning? An analysis of the factors impending upon the colossal repair-and-rebuild task before the country.