m Courtesy: Reuters/Soe Zeya Tun
19 March 2015

Will Myanmar return to its violent past?

The Thein Sein government’s initial successes in Myanmar have eroded, as it vacillates between reform and a return to an authoritarian past. The violent suppression of student protestors this month will further impact the president’s re-election later this year. But will a new government continue the reforms and honour peace agreements with ethnic groups?

Under the dome_India's daughter Courtesy: YouTube
12 March 2015

India, China and censorship

In the past week two documentaries that went viral in China and India were banned. In China, a documentary about pollution. In India, a documentary about the Nirbhaya rape incident in 2012. India's decision to ban the film suggests that the government's approach to censorship is starting to look more like China's

mexico bollywood Courtesy: NPR
26 February 2015

Mexican inspiration for Bollywood

Mexican director Alejendra Inarritu’s Oscar for his work on Birdman comes after his compatriot won the same category award in 2014. This is a matter of pride for the Mexican film industry which is undergoing a renaissance in the last fifteen years. Although Indian cinema dwarfs the Mexican film industry, Mexico’s success in Hollywood should hold as inspiration for Bollywood

Rajapaksa Courtesy: Wikipedia.org
15 January 2015

Mahinda Rajapaksa: down but not out

Incumbent Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa lost to his opponent Maithripala Sirisena in the recent elections. The reasons have been attributed to nepotism and dwindling support from the Sinhala community. With considerable challenges awaiting the new government, it would be wise to not rule out a return of Mahinda

Taiwan-China-Flag Courtesy: aiaworldwide
11 December 2014

Taiwan’s centrality in Asian geopolitics

Internal power struggles within the Chinese CCP has allowed the People's Liberation Army a greater role in setting China's foreign policy. This has significant implications for the region because the status quo between China and Taiwan needs to be maintained to ensure stability in Asia and to avoid of future conflicts.

US elections Courtesy: wikimedia
5 November 2014

What the U.S. mid-term polls foretell

The Republicans emerged as the clear victors in the U.S. mid-term elections on November 4, taking control of both Houses of Congress. How will this outcome, which has made President Obama’s task more complicated, impact American foreign policy? What are the implications for India? Gateway House analyses the results

Hong Kongers Courtesy: eurosouth-hub.net
10 October 2014

Hong Kong’s identity crisis

China’s rise as an economic power has meant that Hong Kong has lost its edge as the East’s international centre for business. This decline combined with Beijing’s efforts to cement control over the city has led to protests that have an underlying theme of Hong Kong wanting to chart its own path under the “one country two-systems” policy