kayani mullen Courtesy: U.S.ArmedForces/WikimediaCommons
30 December 2011

Pakistan: Mired in Politcal Miasma

The 'memogate' fiasco in Pakistan highlights, yet again, the tensions that exist between the country’s political establishment and the Pakistan Army. While the final acts of this maneuvering are being played out, will the all-powerful Army continue to push the civilian government into a corner?

imran kkhan Courtesy: Jawad Zakariya/WikimediaCommons
30 December 2011

Imran Khan: Yet another messiah?

Imran Khan, leader of the Pakistani political party Tehreek-e-Insaaf, means well, and has the support of many in his country. But without any solid reforms manifesto, and almost no one in his party to implement his plan, what really are his chances in the upcoming elections?

manipur Courtesy: Manipur Police/WikimediaCommons
22 December 2011

Look to Manipur before looking East

What have economic blockades in India's North East achieved? For one, they choked off the supply chain of an already isolated region. With Myanmar showing signs of warming towards India, New Delhi must establish ties with its eastern neighbour, but first, it needs to fix Manipur’s broken socio-political landscape.

monus wahhabi piece Courtesy: White House photo/WikimediaCommons
29 November 2011

NATO vs Shias: A geopolitical miscalculation

The Wahhabis, who now merit NATO backing, continue on their global mission of converting the Muslim Ummah to its relatively harsh and antediluvian ways of thinking and living. For NATO, this is a geopolitical miscalculation that will have tragic security consequences for the alliance within a decade.

eutrophication&hypoxia Courtesy: eutrophication&hypoxia/Flickr
18 November 2011

26/11: National Day Of Remembrance

Mumbai is surrounded on all sides by water and is just as vulnerable to attack by sea as it was on 26/11. Maharashtra needs formalised maritime governance - a coordination of all maritime activity with a constant, collective awareness of the surrounding maritime domain.

jp's 26,11 piece Courtesy: Vinu/Flickr
18 November 2011

The Right to Security Act

An active, vigilant citizenry is a vital partner in the fight against terrorism. However, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, founder of the Lok Satta Party, argues that this can only be possible with a new legal framework that emphasises efficiency and inclusiveness.

reasserting Courtesy: PMO
26 September 2011

Reasserting India’s independence

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s speech at the UN General Assembly has put Indian perceptions on the record and clearly outlined India’s independent foreign policy. India came out unequivocally in support of the Palestinian struggle & reiterated its traditional stance of respecting countries’ sovereignty.