President Trump addresses nation on South Asia strategy Courtesy:
31 August 2017

Trump’s Af policy: too late for impact?

In yet another policy flip, U.S. President Trump announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. While committing more troops to the region, he called out Pakistan as a 'safe harbour' for terrorism and called on India to do more. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director at Gateway House, joins us to discuss the implications of this new direction and what it means for India.

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28 February 2017

Trump: overturning the status quo

President Trump has moved to deliver on his campaign promises with rare alacrity: his executive actions cover everything from policies on trade and energy to bringing back manufacturing to America. But he has also been walked back on some of his explosive assertions while ambiguity looms large over several issues

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14 February 2017

Trump: the real estate businessman

In Gretchen Morgenson's interview she discusses the implications on the American stock market of the repeal of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations and the possibility of a reduction in corporate taxes. She argues that although Trump has proposed several changes to financial regulations and the American tax regime, he may be unable to implement these measures. She then illustrates the impact of the lack of accountability of the government on the psyche of the American consumer, which would, by default, affect the economy. She emphasizes on the impact, that Trump being a real estate business man, will have on his negotiating methods, and in turn will have on investors.

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11 November 2016

Trump’s America

The world is now faced with a self-professed unpredictable U.S. president in Donald Trump. This unprecedented outcome is already being felt by the world’s economies, but while many foreign parties may be celebrating this outcome - there is such a thing as too much change

GH_Cover Image Courtesy: Gateway House
4 August 2016

U.S. elections: foreign policy positions

A lesser publicised aspect of the American Presidential Race is the adoption of the Party Platform during the Convention. During the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention, the two parties put down and adopted their platforms. Ambassador Neelam Deo analyses the foreign policy aspects of the platforms and their implications.